
Saturday, November 30, 2013

VIDEO: 10 golat më të mirë të Manchester United në Premier League

10 golat më të bukur nga Manchester United në Premier League qysh nga viti 2000.

Giggs vs West Ham 2009

Berbatov vs Blackburn 2010

Cristiano Ronaldo vs Fulham
Van Nistelrooy vs Fulham
Wayne Rooney vs Newcastle
Paul Scholes vs Aston Villa
Cristiano Ronaldo vs Portsmouth
Paul Scholes vs Bradford

Van Persie vs Aston Villa
Wayne Rooney vs Manchester United

FUNNY: David Beckham gets nutmegged by a kid

Friday, November 29, 2013

Alan Smith, Manchester United (2004)

Ryan Giggs 10 Best Goal (video)

Giggs: United mund të arrijë deri në finale të LK

Lojtari-trajner i Manchester United, Ryan Giggs, është duke synuar finalen e Ligës së Kampionëve këtë sezon.

Giggs luajti rol të rëndësishëm në fitoren 5-0 të Djajve të Kuq ndaj Bayer Leverkusen, që kualifikoi ata në rundin e ardhshëm.
“Nëse ne luajmë siç luajtëm në Gjermani, mund të arrijmë atje. Kemi parë shpejtësinë dhe kualitetin që kemi në sulm”.
“Ne neve na mungonin kualitete e lojtarëve si Robin van Persie, Nemanja Vidic dhe Michael Carrick”.
“Është një garë në të cilën ju duhet të performoni përndryshe nuk do të arrini në të. Por nëse ju bëni performanca si kjo, mund të arrijmë shumë”, ka thënë Giggs.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Kagawa vs Leverkusen (video)

Kualifikohet Manchester United

Manchester Unitedi ka siguruar pjesëmarrjen në fazat e mëtutjeshme të Ligës së Kampionëve, pas triumfit prej 5-0 përballë Bayer Leverkusenit në BayArena.

Antonio Valencia e hapi serinë e golave falë asistimit të Wayne Rooneyt (22’). Lojtari më i mirë në ndeshje, Rooney, dërgoi një krosim në zonë dhe Emir Spahic e gaboi portën (30’).
Jonny Evans u gjend më së miri pas një tollovie në zonë, për të shënuar golin e tretë të mysafirëve (66’). Chris Smalling ishte futbollisti që shënoi golin e katërt të Djajve të Kuq (77’), ndërsa përsëri asistoi Rooney.
United shënoi edhe golin e pestë, ndërsa realizues ishte Nani, i cili u asistua nga Giggs (88’).
Në ndeshjen tjetër të Grupit A, Shakhtar Donetsku e ka mposhtur Real Sociedadin me rezultat 4-0.
Manchester Unitedi ka 11 pikë dhe e siguron kualifikimin, ndërsa Shakhtar Donetsku dhe Bayer Leverkuseni do të luftojnë për një vend në 1/8 e finales.

Manchester United interesohet për Alex Sandro

Manchester Unitedi është duke e monitoruar nga afër mbrojtësin e Portos, Alex Sandro.

Menaxheri i Djajve të Kuq, David Moyes, është në kërkim të një mbrojtësi të majtë, të cilin planifikon ta blejë në janar.
Sipas Record, Sandro është shënjestra kryesore e trajnerit skocez.
Megjithatë, për nënshkrimin e brazilianit, United do të ketë konkurrencën e Interit që po ashtu interesohet për ish-futbollistin e Atletico Paranaenses. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Manchester United Vs Bayer Leverkusen 5-0 All Goal (video)

Antonio Valencia Great Goal vs Bayer Leverkusen (video)

Smalling Goal Bayer 04 Leverkusen 0-2 Manchester United (video)


Valencia gooooll


LIVE: 32' Bayer 04 Leverkusen 0-2 Manchester United

LIVE :10' Bayer Leverkusen 0-0 Manchester United

Robin Van Persie Freestyle

Smalling: Rooney është fitues i lindur

Mrojtësi i Manchester Unitedit, Chris Smalling, ka lavdëruar bashkë-lojtarin e tij, Wayne
Rooney duke i thënë se ai është një fitues i lindur.Ai vazhdoi më tutje duke pohuar se
sulmuesi anglez do të jetë kyq në përballjen e sotme me Bayer Leverkusen.

"Wayne është një lojtar i klasit të lartë dhe ai stërvitet shumë. Unë përballem cdo ditë me të në stërvitje dhe kam vërejtur se ai është një fitues i lindur. Ai ka efekt në të gjithë skuadrën. JU mund të shihni urinë dhe pasionin që ka kur luan."

"Normalisht se ai do të jetë lojtari jonë kyq kundeër Leverkusen dhe për pjesën e mbetur të sezonit.është jashtëzakonisht mirë kur luan ai." - tha Smalling

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fakte te reja te aksidentit te S.Olldashit

Mediet në Tiranë sot kanë nxjerrë një tjetër pistë të dyshimit rreth vdekjes së ish-deputetit të Partisë Demokratike, Sokol Olldashi, i cili disa ditë më parë ka ndërruar jetë në një aksident komunikacioni.
Siç raporton opozita.com, deputeti i ndjerë ka rënë pre e një rrjeti mafioz politik, dhe jo e një aksidenti “të rëndomtë” në komunikacion, ndërsa për këtë janë dhënë pesëmbëdhjetë fakte të reja.
Indeksonline boton artikullin e plotë të këtij portali, në të cilin, fillimisht jepet një kronologji e ngjarjes që tronditi opinionin shqiptar, ku fillimisht thuhej se Olldashi ka humbur jetën së bashku menjë person tjetër, por që rezultoi të jetë e pasaktë.
Për më shumë se dy orë në vend ngjarje mbërriti i gjithë shteti, media, deputetët, miqtë e tij por edhe familja. Ndërkohë lajmi se në makinë ndodheshin dy persona dominonte në krye të gjitha transmetimeve live.
Nga ekspertiza e fundit e policisë rezulton se: “Sipas verifikimeve të kryera nga aparatura e posaçme të lidhjes me kompjuter, ka rezultuar që makina po drejtohej automatikisht dhe jo mekanikisht nga vetë viktima. Nga këqyrja e makinës, rezulton që Olldashi e ka graduar makinën që të lëvizte me shpejtësi deri në 45 km në orë përgjatë rrugës që ka përshkuar në tunel. Por pasi ka dalë nga tuneli nuk i ka dhënë komandën që ta kthente drejtimin e mjetit në mënyrë mekanike dhe për shkak se rruga vazhdonte me kthesa, automjeti nuk ka frenuar, e duket se Olldashi nuk e ka vënë këmbën në pedalin e frenave”.
Nisur nga faktet, provat, analizat dhe zhvillimi i ngjarjeve sot mund të themi se rrethanat e kësaj vdekje nuk janë aksidentale për këto arsye:
1. Nuk thuhet destinacioni, adresa, personat dhe vendi nga vinte Sokol Olldashi. Ende nuk jepet asnjë provë se me kë person është takuar dhe sa kohë ka qëndruar, si dhe cfarë është biseduar mes tyre.
2. Mungon një kronologji e aktivitetit ditor të Sokol Olldashit dhe veprimeve që ka kryer atë ditë.
3. Mungon zbardhja e bisedave telefonike të Sokol Olldashit me personat e tjerë si dhe me kë është shoqëruar ditën që humbi jetën
4. U ngrit një alibi e paqënë nga media se mund të ishte i shoqëruar me një vajzë por që ra si version për shkak se vajza nuk ishte aksidentuar
5. Versioni që shoqërohej me një vajzë bie për shkak të jetës që bëte vitin e fundit Olldashi
6. Bie cdo version që Olldashi të ketë bërë një jetë motelesh sepse ishte një nga ish ministrat me gjëndje shumë të mirë financiare dhe me disa shtëpi në qytet apo në plazhe e për rrjedhojë nuk kishte nevojë të hynte hoteleve me femra.
7. Një person i dytë “e dashur” përjashtohet si hipotezë sepse Olldashi nuk kishte nga kush të fshihej nëpër tunelet e Elbasanit pasi jetonte i ndarë nga bashkëshortja prej më shumë se një viti.
8. Nuk ka asnjë akt ekspertimi që të provojë se ishte i pirë dhe asnjë provë që të ketë qënë duke darkuar më parë diku në Elbasan
9. Ka qenë më një shpejtësi krejt normale dhe krejt të pranueshme 45 km në orë që pavarësisht kthesave një makinë Mercedes e klasit 5000 S nuk mund të dalë jashtë rrugës në asnjë rast.
10. Ishte me një makinë nga më të shtrenjtat dhe më të sigurtat në botë nga cilësia dhe garanci teknike të frenimit shumë të lartë. (cmimi 127.000 Euro
11. Viktima nuk e ka ngarë makinën me sistem mekanik por automatik dhe ka rezultuar që makina po drejtohej automatikisht dhe jo mekanikisht nga vetë viktima.
12. Nuk ka frenuar dhe ska reaguar aspak në momentin e aksidentit duke lënë të kuptohet se ka qënë i pavetëdijshëm ose jo i gjallë në ato momente, pra mund të ketë qënë i vdekur gjatë tunelit dhe më pas.
13. Mos prekja e frenave dhe mos c’aktivizimi nga sistemi automatik i kilometrazhit tregon se mund të jetë aktivizuar nga një person i dytë.
14. Fshihet autopsia dhe nuk jepen detaje nëse goditjet në kokë janë nga aksidenti apo të shkaktuara në kafkë më parë nga pesona të tjerë.
15. Nuk ka ekspertizë nga autopsia nëse kishte pirë lëndë alkolike apo toksike dhe nëse është helmuar nga persona të tretë dhe nëse po deri në në cfarë sasie.
16. Varrimi u zhvillua pa u plotsuar as 15 orë dhe janë të paqarta arsyet e kësaj ngutje.
Për të gjitha këto pikëpyetje dhe fakte heshti parlamenti, qeveria, policia si dhe partite politike.
Policia dhe media ndajnë një përgjeqësi të përbashkët për vrasjen e Sokol Olldashit. Ata e njollosën Sokolin në publik. Ata që u shtrirën si miq nga bota e politikës apo e mediave nuk e trajtuan Sokolin as si të vrarë dhe as si të aksidentuar por si një njëri të dyzuar deri në ndërrimin e jetës. Ata e mjegulluan mes të qenit i vetëm apo i shoqëruar, mes të qenit esëll apo i rrafshuar, mes të qenit në aksion politik apo në një qefli publik, pas një ardhje nga puna apo nga jeta private.
Ata nuk guxuan kurrë të thonë se cilët ishin armiqtë e Sokol Olldashit dhe nëse ata e vranë pasi e helmuan, rrahën, goditën, masakruan, dhunuan dhe nëse ai ishte marr peng për disa orë apo jo.
Ata heshtën dhe kurrë as e menduan që Sokoli ra në detyrë dhe prej detyrës sepse deshën të besonin ndryshe që Sokoli vdiq në aksident jo si Sokol i shqiptarëve por si shok i gazetarëve.
E fundja edhe sikur vërtët të ishte ashtu sic ata gënjyen për aksidentin e tij, nuk bënë gjë tjetër vecse e vranë shumë rëndë madje më keq se një vrasje që mafia mund tia bëjë një politikani. Ata e vranë! ….. Sokoli nuk e meritonte ta vrisnin në asnjë mënyrë

Manchester United vs Bayer Leverkusen 4-2 (video)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cardiff vs Manchester Utd

PROMO  Cardiff vs Manchester United

Nani's incredible skills and goal vs Arsenal in 2009

van Persie skill vs Real Madrid (video)

Moyes: Dua të jem trajner i Ronaldos

David Moyes ka treguar se ai ka dëshirë që të jetë trajner i një futbollisti të madh si Cristiano Ronaldo.   ''Të gjithë në Manchester United mund të j'u tregojnë se ai është më i miri në këtë biznes''  ''Unë nuk e kam pasur kënaqësinë të jem trajner i tij, por gjasat ekzistojnë ende'', tha Moyes.  Ronaldo ishte pjesë e United para se të bashkohej me Los Blancos ku edhe aktualisht paraqitet. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Zyrtare: Carrick vazhdon kontratën

Manchester United zyrtarisht ka konfirmuar se Michael Carrick e ka vazhduar kontratën e tij.   Dijajt e Kuq nëpërmjet faqes zyrtare raportuan se mesfushori anglez do mbetet në Teatrin e Ëndërrave deri në vitin 2015.  ''Është ndjenjë e bukur ta vazhdojë kontratën time me këtë klub të madh. Jam duke u kënaqur me futbollin këtu.''  ''Klubi ka bërë disa ndryshime dhe puna nën drejtimin e Moyes po ec mjaft mirë'', u shpreh Carrick.

Michael Carrick The Midfield Legend (video)

Roy Keane The Red Legend (video)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


History of Manchester United F.C. (1878–1945)

Manchester United Football Club was formed in 1878 as Newton Heath LYR Football Club by the Carriage and Wagon department of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway depot atNewton Heath.[1] The team initially played games against other departments and rail companies at their home ground at North Road, but by 1888 the club had become a founding member of The Combination, a regional football league. However, following the league's dissolution before the end of its first season, Newton Heath joined the newly formed Football Alliance, which ran for three seasons before being merged with The Football League. This resulted in the club starting the 1892–93 season in the First Division, by which time it had become independent of the rail company, dropped the "LYR" from its name and moved to a new ground at Bank Street.[1] After just two seasons, the club was relegated to theSecond Division.[1]
In January 1902, with debts of £2,670 – equivalent to £250,000 as of 2013[2] – the club was served with a winding-up order.[3] Captain Harry Stafford found four local businessmen – including John Henry Davies, who became club president – each willing to invest £500 in return for a direct interest in running the club.[4] As a mark of this fresh start, on 24 April 1902, the club's name was changed to "Manchester United".[5][6] Under Ernest Mangnall, who became club secretary in 1903, the team finished as Second Division runners-up in 1906 and secured promotion to the First Division, which it won in 1908 – the club's first league title. The following season began with victory in the first ever Charity Shield[7] and ended with the club's first FA Cup title. Manchester United moved to a new stadium at Old Trafford in 1910, and won the First Division for the second time in 1911, but at the end of the following season, secretary Mangnall left to join Manchester City.[8]
In 1922, three years after the resumption of football following the First World War, the club was relegated to the Second Division, where it remained until regaining promotion in 1925. Relegated again in 1931, Manchester United became a yo-yo club, achieving its all-time lowest position of 20th place in the Second Division in 1934. Following the death of John Henry Davies in October 1927, the club's finances deteriorated to the extent that Manchester United would likely have gone bankrupt had it not been for an investment of £2,000 in December 1931 by James W. Gibson, who assumed control of the club.[9] In the 1938–39 season – the last year of football before the Second World War – the club finished 14th in the First Division.[9] During the war, the club participated in the Wartime League and the Football League War Cup, but in 1941, Old Trafford was damaged by German bombs and would not be fully repaired until 1949.[10]   

Early years: 1878–87[edit]

In 1878 the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company granted permission for the employees of its Carriage and Wagon department to start a football team, which was subsequently named Newton Heath LYR. LYR stood for "Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway" and was used to distinguish the team from their colleagues from the Motive Power Division, who were known as Newton Heath Loco.[1] The team was funded by the railway company, who paid the lease on its first home ground, a field close to the railway yard on North Road. It is said that the players were "tough, diligent men who formed a powerful side";[1] they initially played games against other teams of railway workers, very few of which were recorded.[11] During the 1882–83 season, the team played a total of 26 recorded friendly matches, and the following season competed in the Lancashire Cup but lost 7–2 in the first round to the reserve team of Blackburn Olympic.[12] In 1884, Newton Heath LYR applied for the Manchester and District Challenge Cup and reached the final, which they lost 3–0 to Hurst at Whalley Range.[13] The team never failed to score at least three goals in each of the rounds leading up to the final, including in a first round match against Eccles that had to be replayed after the Eccles management protested about Newton Heath's third goal.[12]
Newton Heath reached the final of the Manchester and District Challenge Cup a further five times, winning all but one. Meanwhile, in 1886, the club began to expand by signing players of national reputation such as Jack Powell, who became club captain, Jack and Roger Doughty, and Tom Burke.[14] In 1886–87 the club entered the FA Cup for the first time and were drawn away to Fleetwood Rangers in the first round; they managed to earn a 2–2 but when club captain Jack Powell refused to play a period of extra time, Fleetwood were awarded the tie. A subsequent unsuccessful protest to the Football Association[14] led to Newton Heath LYR entering a self-imposed exile from the FA Cup, which lasted until 1889.

League football: 1888–99[edit]

The 1892-93 Newton Heath team.
In 1888, having been spurned by the newly formed the Football League, Newton Heath entered their first ever league competition, becoming founder members of The Combination.[15] In April 1889, The Combination hit financial difficulties and was wound up before the season could be completed.[16]
In 1890, after an unsuccessful application (they received only one vote) to join the Football League, Newton Heath and 11 other clubs not in the League formed an organisation known as the Football Alliance, in which they finished eighth in the first season. After three further applications, the club joined the Football League when it merged with the Football Alliance in 1892 and Newton Heath was elected to the First Division. In their final season in the Football Alliance, the club finished second to Nottingham Forest, who joined them in the First Division. By this time, the club had severed its formal ties with the railway company and had dropped the "LYR" from their name, although most players were still employees of the railway company. The club had also become a limited company, raising £2000 of share capital (at £1 each) via an application form which was returned to club secretary A.H.Albut, the club's first full-time official, who also assumed managerial duties.
In their first season in the Football League, Newton Heath finished in last place and retained their First Division status by virtue of a win against Second Division champions Small Heath (later Birmingham City F.C.) in the playoff. In 1893, the team moved to a new ground in Bank Street, Clayton, next to a chemical plant. It was said that when Newton Heath were losing, the plant would belch out acrid fumes in a bid to affect the visiting team. The 1893–94 campaign, however, was no better, and they once again were in the relegation playoff against Liverpool. This time Newton Heath were defeated 2–0 and had the dubious honour of being the first team to be relegated to the Second Division.
On 9 March 1895, the manager of visiting Walsall Town Swifts registered an official complaint against the state of the pitch; "drab expanses of wet sand, tufted sparsely with grass". The game went ahead and Newton Heath beat Walsall Town 14–0, the largest unofficial margin of victory in the clubs history, but the result was declared null and void. In 1897, the club made the play-offs but failed to make back into the First Division.

Financial problems: 1900–02[edit]

The 1902-03 Manchester United team, whose players pose wearing both home and alternate jerseys.
They managed only 10th place in the 1901 season, losing more games than they won and with ticket sales flagging and debts mounting, the club decided to hold a four-day bazaar to raise money at St James Hall, Manchester. One of the attractions was a St. Bernard dog, which escaped with a collection tin on one of the nights after the bazaar had closed. The dog then found its way toJohn Henry Davies whose daughter became so smitten with it that he enquired about the origin of the tin, and in doing so saved the club.
On 9 January 1902, Club President William Healey applied to the court for a winding-up order against the club, claiming he was owed £242 17s. 10d.[17]
On Monday, 13 January 1902, the Manchester Guardian reported:
""Attention was directed to the Second League by the unusual experience of Newton Heath. The club is financially in a bad way. A winding up order to meet a debt of £242 precipitated matters last week and no arrangements could be made for playing the game fixed for Saturday. One hears that a new club will be formed out of the ashes of the old one, but this has not been decided definitely."
Newton Heath were revived in time to play their next fixture on Saturday, 18 January 1902.[18]
It was the escape and recapturing of the dog which led to the meeting between team captain Harry Stafford and Davies, who would lead a group of businessmen. Together, they came up with £2,000 to save the club.
John Henry Davies became the club president, and on 24 April 1902, given that the team now had few ties with its origins; it was no longer based in Newton Heath, the new owners renamed the club Manchester United Football Club, after considering the alternate names "Manchester Celtic" and "Manchester Central". They also changed the team's colours to red and white.
Having been saved from liquidation by four wealthy businessmen, the club played its first season as Manchester United in 1902–03. The badly needed injection of cash, plus some new players, gave the flagging side the boost it needed. They won 15 league games, notched up 38 points and finished fifth.

Change of fortune: 1903–18[edit]

After a bad start to the season, the club took another important step in 1903 in hiring their first real team manager, Ernest Mangnall, a charismatic publicist who knew how to work the media. Under his leadership, the team finished third in the Second Division. The following season, Manchester United set a record when they went 18 games undefeated after losing to Bolton 2–0 in September 1904 up until they lost to Lincoln City 3–0 in February 1905. During the season they finished 3rd with 53 points. Off the field the club suffered a financial setback when they were banned from selling alcohol inside the ground.
A black-and-white photograph of a football team lining up before a match. Four players, wearing dark shirts, light shorts and dark socks, are seated. Four more players are standing immediately behind them, and three more are standing on a higher level on the back row. Two men in suits are standing on either side of the players.
The Manchester United team at the start of the 1905–06 season, in which they were runners-up in the Second Division
Mangnall created United's first successful side with a series of signings, eventually winning promotion in 1906. They finished second overall and reached the quarter-finals of the FA Cup, beating Aston Villa 5–1 in the fifth round. Among these signings was Billy Meredith, the legendary winger who was probably the greatest player of that era.
Ernest Mangnall managed to sign star defender Herbert BurgessAlec "Sandy" Turnbull, and Jimmy Bannister after a scandal hitManchester City and forced them to sell off most of their team. It paid off, and Manchester United won their first League Championship in 1908. They even attempted to sign Australian rugby footballer, Dally Messenger, a man recognised by some to be the top footballer of any code in his day. The next year, FA Cup success would follow as they beat Bristol City in the final 1–0. Sandy Turnbull scored the only goal and Billy Meredith was named man of the match.
The 1911-12 Manchester United team posing with the Cup won the previous season.
1909 was also a milestone for United for another reason. John Henry Davies once again lent financial support by lending £60,000, a huge sum at the time, to finalise the team's move toOld Trafford. They played their first game there on 19 February 1910 as Liverpool spoiled the celebrations with a 4–3 win in a close game.
Ernest Mangnall's leadership brought United to their first successful era. They would be the first winners of the Charity Shield in 1908, and the League again in 1911 pipping Aston Villaon a tense last day of the season. The Charity Shield victory in 1911 would be the end of this era and Mangnall would leave the next year for Manchester City.
The Manchester United team at the start of the 1913–14 season – the 'Welsh Wizard',Billy Meredith, is on the left at the back.
Manchester United players, in particular, Charlie Roberts and Billy Meredith, were instrumental in forming the Association of Football Players' and Trainers' Union (the AFPTU) (which the press called the Players' Union) in December 1907, the second attempt to unionize players. The Players Union is today the Professional Footballers' Association. When the Football Association threatened members of the Union with suspension before the start of the 1909–10 season, Manchester United players refused to relinquish their Union membership, and referred to themselves as "The Outcasts". A compromise was reached between the Football Association and the Union before the start of that season which allowed players to be Union members.
Without Mangnall, the club stumbled to 13th place in 1912. Attendances slumped to 15,000 and the squad started to age under the leadership of JJ Bentley. They narrowly escaped relegation in 1914–15 by one point; three of United's players were later found to have conspired with Liverpool players in fixing a United win in the match between the sides, in the 1915 British football betting scandal. The United players were found guilty of match fixing and banned for life.
The Football League was suspended at the outbreak of the First World War, during which Sandy Turnbull was killed in France. On 28 December 1914, Jack Robson was appointed as the club's first official manager; previously, the club secretary had been responsible for the majority of matters relating to the playing of the game. Mangnall's position as secretary was first filled by T.J. Wallworth, then by J.J. Bentley, under whom Robson worked. No football was played during the war, which meant that the club was not generating any revenue, but the club had to continue to pay for the running of Old Trafford, and as such the financial situation worsened.

Inter-war years: 1919–38[edit]

At the end of the 1921–22 season, Manchester United were relegated to the Second Division, having won only eight games. United finally returned to the top flight under John Chapman in 1925, finishing second to Leicester City. In 1927 John Henry Davies, who had saved the club from extinction and brought them to Old Trafford, died and was replaced by G H Lawton as club president. On 7 October 1926, the Football Association announced that Chapman had been suspended from "taking part in football or football management" during the 1926–27 season "For improper conduct in his position as Secretary-Manager of the Manchester United Football Club"[19] and was replaced for the rest of the season by experienced player Lal Hilditch.
A new manager, Herbert Bamlett was installed, but the club never finished higher than 12th in 1929 and finally finishing bottom of the First Division in 1931 after starting the season losing twelve times in a row. The finances were once again in a mess, and the much criticised Herbert Bamlett resigned. Secretary Walter Crickmer was given control of the team for the next season, and was aided by chief scout Louis Rocca, largely because the club couldn't afford a new manager. The players had gone to collect their wages on Christmas week and were told there was no money available. Another financial bailout was needed. They managed to finish mid table in the Second Division in 1931–32, despite losing 7–0 atWolverhampton Wanderers on Boxing Day 1931, but with the club's finances precarious it seemed possible that the club could go out of business.[20]
Enter James W. Gibson, who was approached by a Manchester sportswriter, Stacey Lintott. He met with the board and offered to help on condition that he became chairman and could choose his directors. They had little choice but to agree, and Gibson invested £30,000 into the club. A new manager was found, Scott Duncan, one of the new breed of managers who were retired players, now common, but an innovation in those days.
In 1934, United reached their lowest ever league position. On the final day of the season they were placed second-last in the table with their final match away against Millwall, who were one point ahead. With destiny in their own hands, they beat Millwall 2–0 and stayed in the Second Division by one point.
The next season saw an improvement with the side winning ten out of eleven games during October and November 1934. It seemed things were back on track and the fans started to flock back to Old Trafford as United finished 5th, and they announced their return to the top flight with a shout as they won the Second Division title in 1936 after being unbeaten in the last 19 games of the season. The title was won with a 3–2 victory at Bury, where over 31,000 fans invaded the pitch to celebrate a return to the big time.
Their joy was short-lived, however, as they were relegated back to the Second Division the next season. Scott Duncan resigned, and Crickmer resumed the manager's chair. Although now £70,000 in debt, United picked themselves up and finished runners-up in 1938, returning to the First Division, with future stars such as Johnny CareyJack Rowleyand Stan Pearson. They would stay there for 36 years; after finishing 14th the next season, World War II broke out.

World War II: 1939–45[edit]

Upon the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939, association football was effectively frozen,[9] and Old Trafford was requisitioned by the military to be used as a depot.[21] Football continued to be played at the stadium, but a German bombing raid on Trafford Park on 22 December 1940 damaged the stadium to the extent that a Christmas Day fixture against Stockport County had to be switched to Stockport's ground.[21] Football resumed at Old Trafford on 8 March 1941, but another German raid on 11 March 1941 destroyed much of the stadium, notably the main stand (now the South Stand), forcing the club's operations to move to Cornbrook Cold Storage, owned by United chairman James W. Gibson.[21] After pressure from Gibson, the War Damage Commission granted Manchester United £4,800 to remove the debris and £17,478 to rebuild the stands.[22] During the reconstruction of the stadium, Manchester United played their "home" games at Maine Road, the home of Manchester City, at a cost of £5,000 a year plus a percentage of the gate receipts.[23]